How can I participate in the Golden Visa program and invest under the name of a company?

I would like to invest in Greece via my own company from Turkey. I am the %100 shareholder. I am wondering if I can obtain a Golden Visa this way. If so, what document I need?


On February 06, 2020 Vasiliki Papaloi answered:

Yes, you can invest through your company for a Golden Visa. You'll need to provide all the documentation of your company, including a certificate to show that your company is in good standing, and a shareholder's certificate.

On February 07, 2020 Stilianos Proestakis answered:

Even investing through an entity, the natural person involved in the Golden Visa program has to fulfill the requirements of the application.

On February 09, 2020 Mary Tsiganou answered:

Beneficiaries of the right of permanent residency, which shall be renewed every five years. Third-country citizens who own real estate property in Greece, either personally or through a legal entity based in Greece or another EU member state, of which they own the total of the company shares, provided the minimum value of the property is 250,000 euros. If the owner has acquired the property through a legal entity, the applicant must own 100% of the company shares and has to submit the legal documentation that proves the above. So with your company established in Turkey you cannot proceed in the acquisition and be entitled to Golden Visa privileges. The Company has to be established in Greece or in an EU country

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