What is the process and timeline of applying for a Golden Visa in Portugal through capital transfer?

It seems to me that capital transfer is the most straightforward option to participate in the Golden Visa program of Portugal. Please advise on the process and timeline of this option.


On January 14, 2020 Mauricio Bartacevicius answered:

The process for obtaining the Golden Visa has the following phases: an initial application and its attachments (the transfer of capital will be shown here); instruction; audience of interested parties (if not waived); report; decision/extinction. It should be completed within 90 days in normal situations.

On January 09, 2020 Diogo Capela answered:

The Golden Visa program enables non-EU citizens to obtain a resident permit in Portugal through investment activities. The minimum period of investment is five years. You have two renewals at the end of the first and the third year of the program. At the end of the fifth year, you can choose between getting a permanent resident permit or to apply for Portuguese citizenship. The investment must be completed before the submission of the initial application. Taking the example of capital transfer with a value equal to or above 1 million euros, you must show that you have made the investment through a declaration from a credit institution authorized or registered in the national territory within Bank of Portugal, attesting the ownership of the deposit accounts with a balance of at least 1 million euros obtained through an international and effective transfer transaction. It takes about 5 to 6 months after you initiate the process to receive the residence card.

On January 10, 2020 Nuno Albuquerque answered:

To participate in the Portuguese Golden Visa program, you must prove that your tax status is regularized upon the presentation of a negative statement of debt issued by the Portuguese Tax Authority and Social Security no later than 45 days in advance to the initial request.

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