How can a mastery of French help accelerate my application for the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program?

I studied in France for six years before coming back to China and I am fluent in French. I heard a mastery of French might help me gain an advantage over other applicants in the application who do not speak French. Is it true? What advantage could I have?


On August 21, 2018 Antonin Favreau answered:

To be considered as a French speaker, you need to pass one of the accepted French tests and get an intermediate French test result. This way, you will be considered a French speaker and get priority over non-French speakers. Processing time will be much faster and you do not need a quota from a financial intermediary this way.

On August 21, 2018 Julien Tétrault answered:

Mastering French will greatly help under QIIP. You would get a fast-track processing and other advantages, including saving money. Definitely it is worth taking the French exam and getting a good grade (intermediate or advanced is enough).

On August 21, 2018 Sebastien Guimier answered:

If you have a good knowledge of the French language, which you can demonstrate through the presentation of a standardized test, your application will not subject to the maximum number of requests to be received and the normal period of receipt (1,900 applications to be received in 2018-2019 in the case of the Quebec investor program). Although it is not directly provided for by the government, we have also noticed a faster processing time for French candidates during the QIIP process.

On August 21, 2018 Marc-André Séguin answered:

If you have a B2 level or higher in French, you will qualify for priority processing under the QIIP. This means that instead of a processing in Quebec of approximately nine to 12 months, you will benefit from a processing of approximately six months. You will also not be subject to the program’s yearly quotas and would benefit from an extended intake period.

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