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How can Iranian nationals obtain citizenship in Caribbean countries?

Are there any limitations for Iranian citizens to apply for citizenship by investment, specifically in Caribbean countries like Dominica? What countries offer the easiest application process for Iranian nationals?

  • Citizens International
    October 10, 2023

    In Antigua & Barbuda, if an Iranian national wishes to apply for citizenship by investment, he/she may do so as long as they have been residing outside of Iran for the past ten years and been a lawful citizen of US, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, Saudi or UAE. In Dominica, the applicants are assessed on a case by case basis but at a minimum, Iranian applicants must have lived outside of Iran for a minimum of ten years. The requirement may vary according to the jurisdiction and individual, so my best advice is to contact an agent for an in-depth conversation.

  • October 09, 2023

    Iranian nationals cannot apply for citizenship of the Caribbean countries as there has been a ban since 2013 against Iranians applying.

  • October 09, 2023

    Regrettably, Grenada is unable to accept Iranian nationals at this point. I cannot speak to my Caribbean counterparts, however, I understand that Dominica is currently the only Caribbean country that does not totally prohibit Iranians from applying as long as they have resided outside of Iran for 10 plus years, and their source of funds is located outside of Iran.