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How long do I have to stay in Grenada after getting the citizenship so I can qualify for the E-2 visa?

Do I have to live there permanently or just for some part of the year? How are the days counted?

  • May 09, 2023

    The recent change in the US legislation requires that citizens domicile in Grenada for a minimum of three years. However, the term “domicile" has not been fully interpreted or explained and no parameters have been given. You would best be served consulting with a US immigration lawyer who may be able to better qualify the recent changes in the US law with you.

  • Hengsheng Group
    May 05, 2023

    You may apply for the E-2 visa on day 0 of citizenship being granted. There is no requirement to stay in Grenada currently, but saying this, the 3-year domicile rule is slowly being implemented.