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How will I be taxed in Greece if I relocate there on a golden visa?

I’m looking into getting a Greek golden visa and was hoping to make it my home base. My question is, will I get taxed for bank deposits in local banks there? I don’t plan to use the funds for local business. How does the tax system work for golden visa holders?

  • Synergia Technical and Consulting SA
    August 18, 2023

    As a foreign tax resident, you are taxed in Greece only for income generated in the country by any source (rental income, interest from term deposits etc). On interest from bank deposits, a 15% taxation is applicable and is being withheld by the bank in order to be further released to Greek tax authorities. Furthermore, according to para. 1 & 2 of art. 4 of Hellenic Income Tax Code - ITC (Law 4172/2013), an individual is considered as being tax resident in Greece, provided that: the individual maintains a permanent or principal residence or usual abode or center of living interests, namely his personal or financial or social relations, in Greece, or; an individual that is constantly present in Greece for a period exceeding 183 days, including short periods of living abroad, is considered as tax resident in Greece from his first day of presence in Greece. The above framework has to be taken into account before any final further decision.