What is a nulla osta application and do all foreigners need it to live and work in Italy?

Would non-EU citizens who are self-employed or who find employment with an Italian company need to do this process? What should one be careful about when applying for the nulla osta application?


On October 27, 2021 Alessia Ajelli answered:

The nulla osta is the document issued by Italian immigration authorities which authorizes a non-EU national to apply for a work visa at the Italian embassy/consulate in their country of residence. Depending on the type of work permit one applies for, it may be necessary to first apply for a nulla osta (e.g., in the case of an EU Blu Card for direct hiring by an Italian company, a nulla osta shall be obtained from the competent Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione, or in the case of self-employment, the nulla osta shall be obtained from the competent Questura, Police station).

On October 27, 2021 Marco Mazzeschi answered:

Nulla Osta is a permit that an applicant or a company needs to obtain in order to apply for a visa. There are different kind of Nulla Osta, and it depends on the kind of visa you apply for.

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