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What is the difference between Italy's freelancer visa and the new digital nomad visa?

Which of the two is better for non-EU applicants who might eventually plan to settle in Italy for the long term?

  • LCA Studio Legale
    April 06, 2022

    The freelancer visa (i.e. visto per lavoro autonomo) is a visa granted to someone who wants to carry out a freelance activity, or in any case, work autonomously (not for a foreign or Italian employer). It can be obtained and renewed for more than one year provided that all the legal requirements for its issuance are met. On the other hand, the digital nomad visa is a brand-new visa category that has been recently introduced and is dedicated to third-country nationals who carry out highly qualified activities through the use of technological tools that allow them to work remotely, autonomously or for a company which is based outside the Italian territory, and it should be granted for not more than one year.

  • Mazzeschi Srl
    April 06, 2022

    The digital nomad visa is not yet operative; the government has approved it but it must be implemented with a decree that shall set forth specific requirements and procedure.