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What is the limit of dependents to include for no extra cost with St. Lucia’s new bond option that costs $300,000?

Or is there no limit? Who qualifies as dependent?

  • Clarion Law / Zevio Inc
    February 15, 2023

    There are no limits to the number of dependents that can be added with the application under the National Action Bond. There is a US$50,000 non-refundable administrative fee. A dependent is the applicant's (i)spouse (ii)child of applicant or spouse, 21 years or below, or 30 years and below who is fully supported by the applicant, or who is of any age who is physically or mentally challenged and fully supported by applicant (iii) parent of applicant or spouse who is over 55 and fully supported by applicant, or who is of any age and physically/mentally challenged and who is fully supported by applicant (iv) unmarried sibling of applicant who is below 18.