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How can I apply for an Orange Carpet Visa in the Netherlands?

I'm a businessman from Senegal and I travel often to the Netherlands for work. I would like to use the facilitated visa process called the Orange Carpet Visa to get quicker and longer business visas but not sure where to start. Do I have to hire a lawyer?

  • Delissen Martens
    December 04, 2023

    The Orange Carpet Visa program aims to simplify the visa application process for people who frequently visit the Netherlands for business purposes. Not all countries are listed within the Orange Carpet program. It is only possible to apply for an Orange Carpet visa if the country where the visa is applied for has an Orange Carpet Visa Facility. Unfortunately, the Dutch embassy in Dakar, Senegal, does not provide this service. The only countries in Africa with such a facility currently are: Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, South Africa and Tanzania.