Is affiliate income considered as passive in come to apply for D7?

I have an affiliate contract with a company to promote sales and marketing products. Is this income considered a passive income for me to apply for a D7 visa?


On August 11, 2024 Sara Sousa Rebolo answered:

The D7 visa program in Portugal requires proof of passive income corresponding to an average value of €840/month. To qualify as passive income, the value must originate from an activity that does not imply an active performance of the applicant. Promoting sales and marketing products seems like an active performance, so it shall not be qualified for this purpose but only for a D8 application—Digital Nomad Visa.

On July 09, 2024 Diogo Capela answered:

We would have to analyze the contract terms to assess whether or not the income was passive. However, I would say that, in most cases, an affiliate contract should not qualify as passive income for obtaining a D7 visa but could be used as remote income for obtaining a D8 visa.

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