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What are the requirements to obtain a nulla osta for an Italian self-employed visa?

I will be applying for a self employed visa in Italy when the decreto flussi opens. I know the first step is to obtain a nulla osta, but I can't find information about what I need to bring with me to the Sportello Unico to get one. What documents do I need to bring? Do I need to go in person or can I send someone already in Rome on my behalf?

  • Avv. Andrea Parisi
    February 04, 2023

    Given that the "decreto flussi" is not open yet, you'd better wait till the law sets the legal requirements before applying for your self employed visa in Italy. The procedure should be the same as the latest "decreto flussi" but it is not certain. However, I can say that you have to provide the "Sportello Unico" with a valid passport and all the information related to your job, and you have to be present only at the moment of the formal entry.

  • LCA Studio Legale
    February 06, 2023

    To apply for a self-employed visa it is necessary to get a provisional work authorization (nulla osta) from the competent local police office - the documentation to be filed (personally or by an attorney to whom a proper power of attorney shall be granted) to the authorities to obtain the provisional nulla osta may vary depending on the type of activity to be carried out as self-employed worker.