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Should EU countries like Italy start thinking about redesigning their passports to promote their country to investors?

Recently, some countries have started adding comic strip characters and other pop culture references to their passports. Do you think other EU states like Italy should also think about redesigning their passports for better marketing of the potential of their country to investors, especially those seeking investment immigration opportunities?

  • Avv. Andrea Parisi
    February 19, 2022

    It is possible that some EU countries like Italy will start thinking about redesigning their passports to promote their country to investors, even though each country has their own procedures and rules.

  • LCA Studio Legale
    February 17, 2022

    I believe that the potential interest in acquiring an Italian passport, i.e. Italian nationality, is not necessarily linked to the aesthetic of the document itself; however, it might be one the factors to be taken into consideration to add value to investment opportunities leading to applying for a visa and eventually citizenship.