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What is the quickest investment route to Maltese citizenship for foreign applicants?

I would like to get Maltese citizenship in the shortest possible time. What are my options?

  • Attard Baldacchino
    April 01, 2022

    The Malta Citizenship for Exceptional Services regulations allow for the granting of citizenship by a certificate of naturalization to foreign individuals and their families, after a period of residency of either 12 or 36 months, and to those who contribute to the economic development of Malta.

  • Corrieri Cilia
    April 01, 2022

    The fastest route to become a Maltese national is to apply for naturalization for exceptional services. It will take around 15 months, which includes 12 months of residency for an applicant to be naturalized as a Maltese citizen, if they apply for naturalization for exceptional services by investment in Malta.

  • BIZ Consult Limited
    March 31, 2022

    There are only two options: one-year residency or three-year residency.