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What kind of taxes should I expect to pay in Italy if I get a digital nomad visa there?

Bearing in mind that my home country's jurisdiction still considers me a tax citizen since my job is based there so I’ll still be paying income tax at home.

  • LCA Studio Legale
    July 24, 2023

    As a general remark, Italy applies the principle of worldwide taxation, meaning that any income produced inside or outside Italy by an Italian tax resident shall be taxed in Italy. To identify the tax regime applicable and therefore the taxes to be paid by an individual in Italy, a detailed analysis of the position shall be carried out.

  • Avv. Andrea Parisi
    July 23, 2023

    According to Italian Tax Law, you'd pay the difference between the Italian percentage tax rate and your country's.

  • Mazzeschi Srl
    July 22, 2023

    Italy's digital nomad visa is not operative yet.