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How likely is it that the Italian government will resume the higher investment threshold for its CBI program?

I know that the Italian government has reduced its investment criteria by half to attract foreign investment and fight against COVID-19. Is it possible that in the near future, the discount will be invalidated?

  • LCA Studio Legale
    September 28, 2020

    There is no evidence nor signs that the Italian government will increase again the minimum threshold for investments qualifying an applicant for the Italian Investor Visa. Indeed, the reduction has been introduced to attract more foreign investments and make the program more competitive. Currently, there is no reason why the government should go back to the original limits.

  • Mazzeschi Srl
    September 29, 2020

    Once an investment has been approved and the visa is issued, even though the law changes, it cannot be revoked or annulled retroactively. If the investor keeps the investment as indicated in the law, he/she will have the right to stay in Italy.

  • Avv. Andrea Parisi
    September 30, 2020

    I confirm that the Italian government has reduced its investment criteria by half to attract foreign investment and fight against COVID-19. Indeed, the changes now coming into effect reduce the minimum investment requirements of two of Italy’s most attractive residence by investment options by 50%. Applicants may henceforth qualify by investing 500,000 euros in an Italian limited company (previously 1 million euros) or 250,000 euros in an Italian “innovative startup” (down from 500,000 euros). It is not possible that in the near future the discount will be invalidated for applicants who have exploited it, whereas it is well possible that a new law is issued to bring things back as they ran until last July.