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What options do I have transfer my money to New Zealand for my Investor 2 application?

As an investor from Saudi Arabia, what are my options for transferring my money to New Zealand to make my investment? I am not sure if there will be issues considering the potential difficulties in using the banking system to conduct the transfer.

  • Global Immigration Services NZ
    March 18, 2020

    You have to transfer your nominated funds via the banking system.

  • March 19, 2020

    For the investor 2 visa application, you must use the banking system to transfer your investment funds directly to a New Zealand bank account in your name. Transfers must be from your personal bank account. They cannot be from your company's bank account. Many banks that operate in New Zealand (for example, the ANZ bank) are now able to help you to start a bank account with them even if you are overseas (that is outside New Zealand). You need to provide evidence that you made the transfer (bank statements from your New Zealand and offshore banks showing the transfer of funds). Immigration New Zealand will only grant your visa after they receive this evidence. It should be noted that even if you are transferring sales proceed, you can not receive sale proceeds from the buyer directly to your bank account in NewZealand. You can use a foreign exchange company to transfer your funds to New Zealand if the: foreign exchange company uses the banking system to transfer the funds; investment funds named in your visa application were transferred to the foreign exchange company directly from one or more bank accounts in your name; transfers legal, both in New Zealand and the country the funds were transferred from; transfer can be traced; foreign exchange company operates lawfully. You must provide evidence of all the steps you took to transfer your funds.