United Kingdom

Atef Elmarakby

Atef Elmarakby

UK Immigration Advisor

Uglobal Verified Badge

Atef Elmarakby is an immigration lawyer based in the UK. He is the founder and managing director of GOOD ADVICE UK®.

GOOD ADVICE UK® is a London-based immigration law firm that provides tailored legal counsel and services, representing a wide range of clients in all matters related to the UK immigration law and procedures. It was founded by Elmarakby in 2009.

With over 18 years of experience, Elmarakby has represented over 12000 clients to date, advising primarily on business, individual and humanitarian immigration cases. He is registered with the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner.

Elmarakby holds a graduate diploma in law from The University of Law, Moorgate, England, and an LL.M. in international law and human rights from SOAS University London. Prior to that, he obtained a diploma in forced migration and refugee studies from the American University in Cairo, and a bachelor’s degree in law from Cairo University, Egypt.

Elmarakby is fluent in Arabic and English.


Good Advice UK

153 Wandsworth Road


United Kingdom