How can IT freelancers relocate to Italy until the digital nomad visa becomes available?

While waiting for the Italian Digital Nomad visa, I would like to know if there is any other way for IT freelancers to relocate to Italy. How can Nulla Osta be obtained in this case? Should the individual travel to Italy with his tourist visa and apply at the police office, or can Nulla Osta be requested online? What are the next steps?


On September 28, 2023 Marco Mazzeschi answered:

The self-employment visa application process entails obtaining some documents from Italy (police clearance, declarations/attestations from the relevant authorities, contracts with clients in Italy, etc.) before applying for the visa at the Italian Consulate/Embassy in the country of residence. Should you want to try, I advise that you contact the Italian Consulate/Embassy that has jurisdiction over your place of residency to check if they would issue a self employment visa to you (for your profession) and the list of documents they require. Please keep in mind that this type of self-employment visa is very difficult to obtain because of the uncertainty on which authority in Italy should be contacted for the issuance of the relevant attestations/declarations and for the requirements that may be set by the Consulate/Embassy.

On September 28, 2023 Alessia Ajelli answered:

Since the digital nomad and remote workers visa is still not available, the other option to be evaluated for a free-lance is the autonomous work visa and residence permit. The visa application is handled by the Consular entity in the foreign country of residence of the worker - which has full discretion over the granting or not of the visa - and the visa can be applied for upon obtainment of the clearance (nulla osta) of the police authorities in Italy.

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